The Stoke Heath


Our Curriculum Intent

We are Learners!

We deliver a bespoke and personalised Stoke Heath Curriculum. This reflects the heritage of the city our children and families now call home. This will equip the children with knowledge, skills and understanding, both pastorally and academically, to thrive and contribute to life in Stoke Heath, Coventry and 21st Century Britain.  

Equality Objectives

Our objectives will detail how we ensure equality is applied to:

  • Eliminate discrimination

  • Advance equality of opportunity

  • Foster good relations

We will:

  • Ensure that there are equal opportunities for boys and girls and this will be reflected in the levels attained across all three Key Stages

  • Ensure that provision is in place to ‘diminish the difference’ for children who are in receipt of Free School Meals, entitled to Pupil Premium funding or are Looked After children.

You can read our Single Equality Scheme here, which addresses the statutory duties of the Equality Act 2010. If you would

Click the button below to find out more about our rationale for teaching history, geography, and science. You can find out more about our school curriculum by contacting Mrs Craig via the school office.

Year Group Curriculum Overviews

Spring Term 1

Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6